Sunday, October 31, 2010

Unpleasant night with little sleep, unable to get comfy and feeling very warm with odd sensation on my left side, discomfort in my stomach and very fatigued.  Despite the reassurances that this is to be expected I still find it alarming.

Trip to Formby Point planned for today, didn't end up walking far but a long day none the less, but a great day out.  I'm sure we will go back again.
No red squirrels seen but we had 5 kids and two dogs with us not exactly a stealthy walk through the dunes!

We did however find what could have been late Holocene, crane foot prints 3600yrs old! More info here and here.

There was also plenty of sand sculpting and Halloween shenanigans, before a move was made to Crosby Beach to see Another Place

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Still feeling a little on the warm side with some pins and needles so taking it easy again !  Hopefully be feeling a little more with it for when Karin and the kids get home from Cardiff.  Frustrating recovery, thought things were on the up last week.

Feeling rough so an early night.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Not a bad nights sleep but feeling very warm today at Heavy Workshop.

Afternoon listening to music and watching a few videos.  Despite the overuse of the word 'dude' this place looks fun Wolverine Land

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Karin, Lottie , Dan and Peggy head to Cardiff today leaving me behind to take it easy and work from home.  They send me a few pictures from the beach at Ogmore, looks as if they're having fun.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Late start at work as I have an evening meeting.  Feeling tired at end of day, so glad I'm working from home tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day at work, feeling a little tired by the end of the day and thoughts of a trip to the wall with Dan are shelved.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Heavy workshop this morning lots of upper body stuff on the Swiss Ball.  Lottie and Dan in Darley Park Grass boarding and climbing with Ellie and Isaac. Zafira passed MOT with only minor welding !

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Mad Cows

Osleston Medieval Village
An easy day with a short afternoon walk with Lottie and Peggy to look at  Osleston Medieval Village.  Turned into an obstacle course with electric fences, collapsing bridges, geese, frisky horses, mad cows and signs threatening of Bulls.  We got back just before darkness descended.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site day.  Short bike ride to Allestree Park with Lottie and Lauren, Build a boat and geocaching on Darley Park with Dan and 'the team' all in between the showers and sunshine.  Home to catch the end of The Man with the Golden Gun.

and then the torture that is Strictly . . .

Friday, October 22, 2010

Revised program at Heavy Workshop this morning lots of upper body stuff, including:
swiss ball dumbbell Fly
swiss ball dumbbell Chest Press
swiss ball dumbbell Pull Over

swiss ball raises
swiss ball dips
swiss ball kneeling roll outs
and something for next week on the BTE

Hartington St graffiti - big society?
A short walk around Elvaston Park in the afternoon walking the dog and finding a couple of Geocaches.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nipped down to Darley Park this morning to meet Radio Derby for a short piece on Geocaching.  Listen to Dan on his first outside broadcast on the BBC iPlayer its at about 1:10 on the Aleena Naylor show listen again.

There are some pictures on the web site as well.
 As the weather was so nice we then had a trip out to Robin Hoods Stride and Cratcliffe for a picnic and a boulder :-)

Started on the block at RHS where the easy arêtes seemed a good starting point for getting back onto the grit after a nine month break!  The harder left side of the arête took a few goes but I'm pulling an extra stone in weight.  Razor roof next and I came to a grinding halt with my hands on top unable to haul myself over so a rethink and some footwork was needed to see me over the top.  The Egg arête and cliff top rib both went first go so my balance seems to be OK.  Nothing too tricky but this seemed about enough for one day so I've a little to work on, but it was very good to be climbing again.

Altocumulus lenticularis

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lovely cold frosty morning with blue skies.  Day in the office for me but Karin, Lottie, Dan and Peggy ended up on Stanton Moor - saving a trip to the Stride for tomorrow :-)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Meeting at work to discuss phased return this morning.  Another couple of weeks on disability leave then a more structured approach including working from home planned.  Hopefully I'll be back doing a full weeks work come the New Year.  I can think of some better things to do in a gap year . . . . !

Monday, October 18, 2010

Felt good at Heavy workshop this morning but took it easy and had a brief chat about changing my programme to include some upper body exercise.  They've gone away to think about that one!

A little work from home, a short dog walk and a site meeting.

Lottie has her pointe shoes for ballet and is well pleased :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beautiful autumnal day.  Morning spent on the allotment.  More daffodil bulbs planted.  Leeks planted in raised bed four.  Fleece put over what remains of the cauliflowers which have been attacked by pigeons.  Karin made a start on the onion bed. Dan reached a depth of 1 metre with his pond digging.  Gift of some rather nice pears from next allotment but one.

Afternoon watching To Kill a Mocking Bird.

Hopefully taking it easy and a successful Heavy Workshop on Monday means I can go climbing soon :-)
Easy trad, sport or easy bouldering or a short session inside?  I think I'll take what I can get, but I've been dreaming of Robin Hoods Stride of late so if the weather holds, I think a picnic is called for.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Edwyn Collins on Saturday Live this morning, 5 years after his stroke a new album out and touring again. Worth listening to this again from this months selection. Edwyn Collins – Losing Sleep

 Frost forecast so Karin harvested the vulnerable veg from the garden this morning.
 Trip to Shining Cliff woods this afternoon with Dan, Isaac and Peggy to look for Sweet Chestnuts.  Not that many large chestnuts found but it was lovely and autumnal.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Heavy workshop went reasonably well this morning didn't get chance to change my programme yet to include upper body exercises but arranged to have a chat on Monday.  Home via the office for a cake based lunch then afternoon session of Shiatsu.  Lottie and Dan arrive home on a high as they have just broken up for a fortnight.  Trip over to Darley to walk the dog with Isaac and visit the new geocache.  Home via Georges.  Fish and Chips in front of the fire.  :-)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day at work, then back in time for Dans Trumpet lesson and to make risotto for tea while everyone else is at the music centre.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Feeling a little better today. Day at work then Dan to kayaking and walking Peggy on Darley Park as the mist was rising from the grass.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rubbish nights sleep kept await by sweating and feeling very hot, glad I've an appointment with the consultant today.  Slow start then off to work for the morning not feeling very with it at all.  Off to the Hospital for some lunch with Karin then in to Therapy to see Dr Brain.  A nice long reassuring chat with Dr Brain, and the outcome?
  • the symptoms I'm feeling are not unusual
  • I need to take it easier and plan out my weeks more to prevent the big dips in my recovery.
  • Hopefully given time I will make more of a recovery.
  • Any damage to the blood vessels in my neck should now be fully healed so I can start some upper body exercise :-)
  • Rather than being discharged from Heavy Workshop she would prefer me to start the upper body exercises under supervision.
  • If problems with pain and temperature regulation persist she may refer me to a hypnotherapist rather than use medication which has side effects.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Heavy workshop hard work today.  Very poor performance and I could quite have easily given up at any point.  Short walk for Peggy in the Arboretum in the afternoon.  Visit from Marc in the evening, good to catch up.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A late start followed by a trip to the allotment, more bulbs planted, another raised bed almost ready, and a fig tree planted along with lots of rubble to restrain its roots.  Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Trip to the wall with Dan today, then home to watch Merlin followed by The Scarlet Claw. You can't beat a bit of Basil Rathbone.

More Captain Kirk I'm afraid :-)

Friday, October 8, 2010

A truncated Heavy workshop this morning as I had a catch up chat.  I was also feeling tired and was aware I had Shiatsu later.  Apparently my Triple Heater needs some work (some sort of conceptual Shaitsu organ!)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another fullish day at work but feeling tired towards the end of the day.  Evening at the Darwin Suite to see Andy Kirkpatrick.  A very entertaining and comic telling of some Alpine/Yosemite/Willy Wonka adventures with a Star Trek thread running through it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stayed until four at work today.  Then home to Lasagne, cooked by Dan.  Dropped Dan off at Kayaking before calling into visit the family Bond then a walk in the dark with Peggy.  This is a picture of Peggy swimming in the lake, I think. . .

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

About six hours at work today

Monday, October 4, 2010

Still feeling a little under the weather from the cold, but Heavy Workshop not too bad today 1255m on rowing machine at the end.
Shoot Derby has now been uploaded to Vimeo a little too long I think and very hard to follow the story but Lottie and Dan are around the 09.50 mark. I think the format works better when its shorter.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Walk and Geocache with Dan and Peggy around Shirley and Osmaston. 
Back home to watch Kick ass,  not sure it was appropriate viewing for Lottie and Dan, lots of comic book violence but a very enjoyable film.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Woke feeling a little rough with a sore throat this morning but things improved at Heavy Workshop.  1246m on rowing machine and increased the pace a little on the treadmill, feels like progress.  Took Peggy for a walk and swim in the rain this afternoon.   Then looked at ways of using the glut of Marrows we seem to have acquired. Marrow with Feta and mint followed by Marrow cake for tea!