Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nipped into Waterstones today to see Ron Fawcett and get his signature on a copy of his new book and my old copy of Crags from 1976. He pointed out on the cover where the editor Geoff Birtles had tippexed out Chris Bonnington's head (just above Ron). Apparently Chris was on Original Route and stuck his head round the corner just as the photo was taken and Geoff refused to have Bonnington on the cover of his magazine.


  1. Get it in a frame! V cool

  2. Hi Tim,
    BTW, did you ask Ron if he remembered meeting me at Stanage in '91? He was soloing Germ and asked me the time.

    It was 2.30pm.

    Great cover shot.

  3. daddy u were soooooooooooooo excited to meet him and dnt say u werent coz i know at its like to meet some1 u look up to and u dnt want to leave <3 (L)<------- both suposed to love hearts but dno which onell work love u
